Saturday, November 1

Locks of Love - Video Update

It's been a while since I updated. It is officially cold here, and I'm growing my hair really long to keep me warm. The plan is to cut it off in the Spring when it warms up, so I can donate it to Locks of Love. Update! Fall temps, long hair and absentee voting! from Anne Marie on Vimeo.


Rey De Armas said...

lol..."be bald"...nice. your hair is long, but it looks nice. good job with the video. just one question: how many takes did you do? I'd be cracking up if i did that.

Sketchism said...

Great to see you, Anne Marie! And thanks for the update.

By the way, that frame you have in the background totally misspelled EVIL.


Stay warm!

Lauren said...

One word: AWESOME!

Merari said...

I love this!
do video updates daily. I need to see you at least online.


Anonymous said...

ooo, i've always wanted to donate to lock of love...i tried once...and got antsy and cut my hair...i'm terrible. Good luck with it. ;)

Unknown said...

"I Know I wrote that...because I was there."