Friday, October 2

Pasta Salad Confession

I hate to admit this, but... I hate pasta salad. There's only one kind of salad I hate more: potato salad!
It's embarassing really. Being a fan of cooking and food and all, I'm ashamed to say that nothing can compel me to consume pasta and potato salads. I show up to a potluck? Pasta & potato salad. Barbecue with friends? Potato salad. Invited over for a small dinner party? Pasta salad. I'm the one idiot who prays they won't notice if I slip into the kitchen and pop it into the microwave! But for whatever reason, I'm just wired to think that potatoes and pasta are HOT foods, not cold ones. I don't do the whole 'this-food-which-was-once-hot-tastes-even-better-out-of-the-fridge' thing. (This, by the way, applies to cold pizza as well. Yuck!) Sad, I know. I mean, doesn't this look yummy?

But I won't ever eat that - just because it's cold.


Kiki said...

well, WARM that puppy up girlfriend!!

Mara said...

I am so glad to hear this. I think both are absolutely revolting.